To be sold at the farm of Bob & Mary Helen Free, just south of London at 4811 Highbury Ave.
Friday August 4th, 2017 -11 am.
100 head of foundation breeding stock to sell.
Herd classification 9 Excellent, 27 very good, 15 good plus.
Many 3-5 generations of VG and EX Brood cows with really high butter fat.
NOTE: High milk production, butter fat and protein.
Just around 200 BCA with low sematic SCC 144,000.
The younger bred and open heifers are well grown and in excellent condition.
The herd have great udders, with solid generations of proven milk production and correct
body conformation.
An exceptional dispersal of top end 30 Jersey and 70 Holstein females.
You are invited! Phone to tour the herd before the sale. Phone 519-685-2186. Catalogues available.